Important information about Highlands Ridge
Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
The Covenants of Highlands Ridge require that ALL revisions or alterations to the exterior of every home receive the prior written approval of the ACC. If you are planning any changes, please contact any member of the ACC and they will guide you through the process to obtain approval. The name of the current ACC members, as well as required forms to be filled out, can be obtained by contacting the Administration Office.
Click here for our ACC Application.
Commonly Requested Forms
These forms are available at the distribution center. The distribution center is located in the breezeway next to the Administrative Office.
Click here for Resident Contact Update Form
Click here for Marina Cove Resident Guest Stay Form
Click here for Marina Cove Management Exterior Request Form
Click here for Marina Cove Residency Application Form
Click here for Summer Information Form
Click here for Highlands Ridge Rental Information Form
Copy/Fax Machines
Available at the Administration Office. Residents can copy and fax in the library. The library is available 24/7. Instructions are on the desk in the library.
Drop Box
Located at Founder’s Hall by the
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
All communities in Florida similar to Highlands Ridge and Marina Cove are controlled by certain rules. In Highlands
Please be sure that you have been given a current copy of the rules
Click Here to read the Official Covenants Documents
Click Here for Amendments to the Covenants
Click here to read the Amended and Updated Covenants for Phase IV
Click here for Assignment of Rights from the Declarant to the HOA
Click here for Rules regarding Implementation of Covenants and Restrictions
Electronic Debit Service
Highlands Ridge has the capability to electronically debit your bank account (any bank in the United States) for your monthly maintenance fee or lot rent. Remember these fees are due on the 1st of each month and you will not receive an invoice. On the 5th business day of each month, your account will be debited for the amount specified. Please call the Administration Office to set up this service.
Click here for Marina Cove ACH Form
Click here for HRH ACH Form
Front Gate
The entrance gate automatically opens at 6:00 am and closes at 7:00 pm. You can purchase an automatic gate opener from the Administration Office. You can also open the gate by using your personal 5-digit code (which you should have received at your closing). Instructions for entering your code are posted on the keypad at the gate. If the gate malfunctions, there is an emergency number listed. If you have visitors after hours, they may gain access by contacting you and following the instructions on the keypad. Please do not give your access code to anyone, including
Home Owners Association
There are two homeowners associations in operation at Highlands Ridge. The homeowners of Marina Cove and the Villages of Highlands Ridge Home Owners Association which encompasses the homeowners of Arbor Green, Hidden Creek, Carter Creek, Scottish Links, Oak Run, North Course
Directors. Regular meetings of their boards and membership, dates and times are posted in the
Gazette, on the Activities Calendar and on There are minimal annual dues for each association.
Click here to read our HRHOA By-Laws
Gazette Monthly Newsletter
The Gazette is available on the first day of each month through email and online at This is YOUR newsletter and is a valuable resource for staying connected and in touch with all the community news and activities. You may submit articles or advertisements for the Gazette to [email protected] by the 15th of the month, for the next month’s publication.
Golf Carts
Florida law requires anyone operating a golf cart on any road to be a licensed driver. – This is an interactive website for Highlands Ridge residents. Visit this site often to stay current on all the activities, fitness and golf news. Once you register as a member, you will receive email updates from all areas of Highlands Ridge. can answer most of your questions about this community.
Lawn Care
A lawn mowing service has been contracted by Highlands Ridge to maintain residential lawns. The cost of lawn mowing is included in your common facility fee.
Notary Service
This service is free of charge and only available by an appointment. Please call the Administration Office at 863-471-1115.
Pets are to be walked on a leash at all times. Please do not allow your pets to roam free in any area of Highlands Ridge, including common areas. All pets must be vaccinated according to local laws and dogs must be licensed. We are a
Residents Council
Seasonal Residents
Before you leave, please stop by the Administration Office to fill out a “Summer
Information” sheet. This will help us keep in touch with you while you are gone. Also, pick up a copy
Speed Limit
U.S. Mail
The mail is usually delivered by 4:00 pm daily except Sunday. If you are planning to be away for any length of time, please arrange with a neighbor to pick up your mail or request the post office to hold/forward it to you. The postal service does not advise placing any outgoing mail in your mailbox that contains personal or financial information. You should take items of this nature to the post office or a postal receptacle.
Walking & Biking
We are a very busy community, with many residents, an increase in visitors and public golfing, not to mention construction vehicles, all sharing our roads. PLEASE OBEY THE POSTED SPEED LIMITS! When walking, walk against traffic and please carry a flashlight when it is dark. When biking, adhere to biking safety rules. When in your golf cart please use hand signals to let others know if you are turning.
Watering Restrictions
If your address ends in an even number you may water on Thursday/Sunday if you address ends in an odd number your watering days is Wednesday/Saturday. Watering is before 10 am and after 4 pm.
Yard Waste
Yard Waste is collected curbside, every other Friday. For additional Questions, contact Waste Connections. Throwing your trash or yard debris in any dumpster in Highlands Ridge is NOT permitted at any time.
Important Numbers
There are protocols in place with all pertinent emergency personnel that gives them access to the community after hours.
Cable Television – Comcast Cable 1-800-266-2278, Direct TV 1-855-852-4388 and Dish Network 1-877-504-0622 all service Highlands Ridge.
Driver’s Licenses/Florida I.D. Cards/License Plate – Division of Motor Vehicles is located within the Highlands County Tax Collectors Office located at 540 S Commerce Avenue in Sebring. Call 863-402-6685 for an appointment, if you plan to get either a Florida ID card or a Driver’s License.
They also have an Avon Park location at 116 E Main Street.
Electricity – Duke Energy 1-800-700-8744
For outages please call 1-800-228-8485
Garbage/Trash Collection – is provided by Progressive Waste Solutions 863-655-0005. Household waste and recyclables are collected every Friday at Highlands Ridge. All bulks items will be picked up every other Friday. For additional information, the county website is:
Throwing your trash in any dumpster in Highlands Ridge is NOT permitted at any time!
Highlands County Sheriff (Non-Emergency) – 863-402-7200
Highlands County Recycling – 863-655-6400
Newspapers – The News Sun (863-385-6155) is published and delivered on Wednesday and Saturday. Highlands Today- Tampa Tribune (863-386-5800) is published and delivered 7 days a week.
Register to Vote – Highlands County Elections Office is located at the Highlands County
Government Center at 580 S Commerce Avenue A-201; they can be reached at 863-402-6655.
Telephone Service – CenturyLink 1-800-339-1811 is the primary provider. For repair service please call 1-800-788-3600.
Water/Sewer – City of Sebring Utilities Department 863-471-5112 is the water department that services all neighborhoods in Highlands Ridge. After hours emergencies call 863-471-0166.
Call 811 before you dig.
Highlands Ridge Home Owners Association
President – Nancy Owens
[email protected]
Vice President – Nancy Guillemette
[email protected]
Secretary – Deborah Zunk
[email protected]
Treasurer – Mary Ann Zbydniewski
[email protected]
Architectural Control Committee
Chair – Rick Nicholson
[email protected]
Home Sales & Rentals – Terry Suits
[email protected]
Home Maintenance – Bob Becker
[email protected]
Highlands Ridge Residents Council
Diane Steullet
863-490-7523 [email protected]
Kathy Wentworth
315-200-0661 [email protected]
Treasurer: Jim Haas
616-638-1004 [email protected]
Secretary: Marsha Utley
765-606-0253 [email protected]
Jill Thiel
Jenny Bilyeau
Kim Kuster
Rhoda Thiel
Karen Dorman
Sue Surbaugh

Property Manager